his attitude towards school was fantastic...he was sooo ready. I'm glad I made the decision to keep him home for another year as he wasn't mentally, socially or physically ready to start Prep in 2006. He loves his new teacher and ran into the classroom and settled himself into an activity straight away. Last years transition program helped so much....they did an hour a week for terms 3 and 4....which is a fabulous program. Jeromel is in a class with 18 other children..and there is another child there who is anaphylactic to peanuts as well.

I am in the process of picking out my products for my deluxe kit which will launch in May!! Any one wants to do a class with me??
Ok.....done my announcement and my exciting news..now time for a prize. I've always wondered who reads my blog on a regular basis....who lurks but never comments? Let me entice you out of lurkedom with a rak prize. All you have to do is post a comment and I will get Jeromel to draw out a winner on the 9th Feb.
Ruey.. would LOVE to do your class! :)
Happy that you little boy loved school.
Well.. you know I don't lurk.. I stalk your blog openly. LOL!
Happy Friday and have a great weekend ahead!
Hi there Ruey.
I'm not a Lurker either. Love the work you do.
Glad your little man had a great first day back at school.
well, sometimes i don't leave comments but most times i do:) jeromel looked so happy and yes, you were very brave. proud of you,mum:)
Hi Ruey,
You know i read you blog. Your little man looks so ready for school, look at that big smile..priceless...lol
take care
I am an avid reader but never leave comments... I am inspired by your gorgeous work.
Yes, I must admit I read your blog regularly. I have my favs and yours in one of them. Always feel like scrappin after visiting your blog. Wendy
Yes I admit, I read your blog too, it is up there with my favs. Always feel like scrapping after visiting your blog!
Hey Ruey
I am a frequent lurker on your blog :)
Love your work it is so inspiring and I love seeing some of the yummy food you have on here too lol.
Look forward to seeing your kit and would love to do a class with you :)
yes I do lurk you blog :)
and I have SL a couple of your layouts... love your work Ruey
esp' the scenic route - cape town
you did last year..
Semi frequent lurker here. :0)
Your scrapping is amazing.
Ruey totally love all those pics of Jeromel's first day of school... you are one clever little lady!!!!.....
Hi Ruey, I visit your Blog everyday. You are an inspiration and I totally admire your talent. Jeromel reminds me of when my boys first started school - they were just ready to go go go... All the best for the weekend - Jorja
Hi Ruey, I visit your Blog daily. You are an inspiration and I totally admire your work. Jeromel reminds me of when my boys first started school - they were all just so ready to go. I held my 3 son back for a year and it was the best thing I ever did. Have a great year Jeromel.
yes totally addicted to viewing your blog. My coby starts kinder on tuesday don't know how i will cope with school yet. Good idea for a comp babe your such a clever lady.
I pop in and read you blog too Ruey! Always inspired by your goegeous work.
Jerome looks so happy in the photos. Glad his first day went really well.
Hi Ruey,
I always get a grin at the prizes drawing out the lurkers but I'm Sooo guilty of doing it. I comment here occasionally but not as often as I pop in. Rebecca Sower had something like 636 names to draw when she cleared out her studio!! 600 !!!
Hi Ruey, I have dropped by a few times and rudely left no comment for you... naughty me :P . Awesome on being such a brave mum too.
Hi Ruey,
I'll confess I'm a lurker and absolutely love your work. Your blog is in my favourites and I check it out almost everyday.
My little boy started grade 1 on Monday and has had a fabulous week.
This is my first time leaving a comment and I hope I will know how....a bit technically challenged. LOL!
Michaele Bunting
So glad that Jeromel enjoy school. He looks so grown up in the photos. Love all the layouts you did for the OPAAT too.
Hi Ruey!!!
I'm not a lurker either -- I'm open and upfront about whereabouts on your blog ;)
Hi Ruey
Sorry i haven't been in touch lately. Just recently got back on the net after some computer hiatus and then now busy with new baby. Thanks for you congrats message on my blog!!
Jeromel looks so happy to be in school!!
I would also love to get one of your kits when its ready in May. Please let me know how i can go about doing it from Brunei.
Hi Ruey!
You probably know that I lurk around your blog a bit, I think your scrapping is awesome! Sorry I don't comment much, but I definitely do admire! Keep up the good work!
Dannii_b (from EB)
Alway looking at your blog Ruey, your scrapping really inpires me as I love your style (also your food pictures keep me coming back - you know that !)
Yeah for Jeromel and his first day bet he had a blast !!!
I am a frequent visitor to your blog Ruey but am so slack at leaving comments on yours or lots of people's for that matter. I promise to do better from now on!!
You Caught Me!
I'm another one that lurks too much but that's only because you leave me to shame :(
Being an EB mummy I eye off all your creations from off there & on here, so I get double the excitment.
Happy Birthday to my little man who will be turning 3 of the 9th of february too - great I feel old.
Hi Ruey,
I am coming out of lurkerdom as well. Great news to hear you are running a class I will be there with bells on. Your work is such an inspiration to many of us on EB :) Felicity.
Ruey You know I'm a lurker from way back lol!
Pick me, pick me!
Hi Ruey - I do lurk from time to time ;)
Nope I never come here, and I'm not here today either ;)
*hand up* Yes, I hereby de-lurk!
Hi Ruey! Wow!! When you announced there's a prize to be won, this particular post has 31 comments (up-to-date)!! Hee! He!
My initial intro to your blog was through Adeline's blog. I'm afraid I don't read your blog everyday. I do envy you being in a place where scrapping resources are available aplenty. Am curious to know what's gonna be in your kit but I guess I'd have to wait like everybody else! Any chance of it being available here in Brunei?
Gee did someone mention prize!!!! It only takes that word and so many visits.
I am so glad that Jeromel enjoyed his school experience. Well done Jeromel.
Congrats Ruey on
1. being a brave mum
2. having your kit announcement
3. announcing your class
4. being a great person
Thanks for visiting me. I am sure there will be plenty of photos of the wedding, outfit and of course not to forget Jodie's new baby.
Keep smiling and healthy
You know I always pop in over here. I LOVE what you do!!
Hey Ruey,
I'm loving all your latest stuff!! And Carole's kit looks really cool!!
Lurk- Yep yep yep!
I love seeing your latest creations, just for that extra bit of inspriation :)
I have just found your blog from3A's site. iluv the name of your site and I agree with the girls, Iiluv your work i would LOVE to do a class with you.
Lurker lurker lurker lol ;) Love seeing your creations Ruey and love al the stuff you get up to :)
Lus x
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